Geography Insights: NZ - WEL

Quick Stats (Rolling 48 Months)

143Home Players
203All Players
260Winner WPPRs
1,090Total WPPRs
124Geo Rank

Player Personas

This Geo   PersonaInt'l Avg
Those who travel and are ranked in the top 2,500.
Those who travel and are outside the top 2,500.
18%Local Supporters
Those who go to multiple events but don't leave their home geography.
Those who went to one event and haven't (yet) returned.

Tournament Data

This Geo   Event TypeInt'l Avg
Events where 60%+ of the field are WPPRtunists.
Events where 30%+ of the field are Travelers.
0%Local Supporters
Events where 50% of the field are Local Supporters.
Events where 20% of the field are One-Timers.
0%Mixed Personas
All remaining events which indicates a mix of player personas.

Traveler Geographies

In the past 48 months, players who call NZ - WEL home like to travel to:
NZ - NOR83

Tournament Sizes

In the past 48 months, tournament sizes in NZ - WEL:
Player Count# Events% EventsInt'l Avg

Top Tournaments & Events

In the past 48 months, the top 50 events in NZ - WEL:
51840Pincade Wellington - Boneface 4 2022-07 Traveler 20.90 42
58581Poneke Pinballers 2023-07 Traveler 19.88 51
58585Poneke Pinballers 2023-11 Traveler 18.70 42
58578Poneke Pinballers 2023-04 Traveler 16.49 45
58582Poneke Pinballers 2023-08 Traveler 16.06 37
58579Poneke Pinballers 2023-05 Traveler 15.74 47
50708Poneke Pinballers 2022-07 Traveler 13.96 42
58580Poneke Pinballers 2023-06 Traveler 12.72 31
58586Poneke Pinballers 2023-12 Traveler 12.63 29
50710Poneke Pinballers 2022-09 Traveler 12.49 42
50713Poneke Pinballers 2022-12 Traveler 11.21 34
50712Poneke Pinballers 2022-11 Traveler 10.98 41
50711Poneke Pinballers 2022-10 Traveler 10.58 46
50709Poneke Pinballers 2022-08 Traveler 9.90 35
49900Poneke Pinballers 2022-05 Traveler 8.40 29
56517The Lanes Frenzy! 2023-03 Traveler 6.50 24
44884Pinball Loops at the Lanes 2021-11 Traveler 6.48 24
67119Poneke Pinballers September 2023 2023-10 Traveler 6.10 42
56527The Lanes Frenzy! 2023-02 Traveler 5.76 23
55434Wellington Multiball Maidens 2023-09 Traveler 3.86 11
56528The Lanes Frenzy! 2023-01 Traveler 3.43 16
55431Wellington Multiball Maidens 2023-06 Traveler 3.33 8
55429Wellington Multiball Maidens 2023-03 Traveler 2.96 9
55424Wellington Multiball Maidens 2022-11 Traveler 2.51 8
55425Wellington Multiball Maidens 2022-12 Traveler 2.34 9
55426Wellington Multiball Maidens 2023-01 Traveler 1.78 6
55430Wellington Multiball Maidens 2023-05 Traveler 1.62 6
55427Wellington Multiball Maidens 2023-02 Traveler 1.56 6
55428Wellington Multiball Maidens 2023-04 Traveler 0.67 4

Top Players

In the past 48 months, the top 50 players in NZ - WEL:
IDPlayer NameRankPersonaPointsEvents
60214Ashley Burke 277 WPPRtunist 153.37 20
41823Mike Burke NZ 508 WPPRtunist 72.93 19
13465Simon Haxton 529 WPPRtunist 65.46 17
84292Matt Gedye 810 WPPRtunist 62.75 17
71138Mitchell Stewart NZ 183 WPPRtunist 61.80 9
60210Josh Burke 816 WPPRtunist 55.36 14
51495Damon Newland 638 WPPRtunist 48.90 15
13470Jeremy Takacs 2025 WPPRtunist 45.64 12
87757Sam Stonnell 3365 Traveler 32.93 25
90511Callum Boston 3758 Traveler 31.88 17
84290Will De Vos 2195 WPPRtunist 28.10 15
60213Cameron Crabb 4594 Traveler 19.01 19
51490Kevin Hester 4782 Traveler 19.00 6
94047Haylem Rayner 2909 Traveler 18.80 13
91262John Scrivener 5141 Traveler 15.06 14
66035Rod Wilton 3235 Traveler 13.17 3
89741Shannon Lal 7236 Traveler 12.54 19
27325Paul Malthouse 7791 Traveler 12.35 8
68217Tyler Dipper 503 WPPRtunist 12.28 3
73054Sam Hughes NZ 3018 Traveler 12.12 12
81744Robert Meuldijk 2319 WPPRtunist 10.18 17
67638Filip Piri 7413 Traveler 9.11 14
27326Hamish Guthrey 5132 Traveler 8.98 9
92255Micah De Vos 10535 Traveler 8.13 11
100817David Miles 6517 Traveler 8.05 6
95665Hugo Strang 6110 Traveler 8.05 7
61697Scott Harvey 10956 Local Supporter 7.87 7
23716Marc Sanger 1068 WPPRtunist 7.64 2
54623Aidan Kersley 635 WPPRtunist 6.89 3
64847Ken Thompson 4992 Traveler 6.88 12
90510Kelvin WS 9213 Traveler 6.86 12
95224Jennifer Bays 8630 Traveler 6.86 23
33641Esther Ahronheim 792 WPPRtunist 6.48 5
42105Carter Holloway 2124 WPPRtunist 5.57 2
94473Lani Gray 8053 Traveler 5.31 11
8964Michael Lemmon 9613 Traveler 5.14 9
95216Casey Lochead 6606 Traveler 5.05 14
80627Stefan Wegrzyn 10941 Traveler 4.56 7
23717Lisa Conroy 1119 WPPRtunist 4.51 4
13461David Peck 224 WPPRtunist 4.25 1
100048Sam Schenk 11591 Traveler 4.23 6
18929Steve Vassiliadis 6242 Traveler 4.06 8
93138Gareth Bradley 9610 Traveler 3.95 8
84289Carly St-Laurent 13071 Traveler 3.75 5
99414Paul Kang 7967 Traveler 3.66 9
90507Chelfyn Baxter 12109 Traveler 3.61 7
94055Ben Clark NZ 14141 Traveler 3.40 1
84293Blaise St-Laurent 10427 Traveler 3.32 6
95223Dan Lemmon 13917 Local Supporter 3.30 7
92308Kozo Komatsubara 9494 Traveler 3.16 6


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Code Version 2.0.0
Data Extracted Through: 2024-04-30
Database Last Refreshed: 2024-05-12

Notes and Acknowledgements